1. Name & Style: The name and style of the Institution is the "Institute of Diploma Engineers, Bangladesh", hereinafter, called IDE, Bangladesh or IDEB.
2. Institution shall, hereinafter refer to as national organization of all Diploma Engineers, which comprises 80% of the total strength of engineers in Bangladesh, graduated from different polytechnic and technical Institution under Bangladesh Technical Education Board and Engineering Colleges under Dhaka University or equivalent thereof.
3. Diploma Engineer and/ or a person having post Matriculation or post Secondary School Certificate (i.e.ten years Schooling) a 4 years of schooling on engineering and technology and on successful completion be awarded a Diploma by any university or education Board of UK, USA, India, Pakistan and Bangladesh and/ or as recognized by the Government Bangladesh is eligible for membership of IDEB.
4. All bonafied students of Diploma in Engineering course of different polytechnics and technical Institutes and their equivalent are eligible for student membership without voting right.
5. IDEB was established on 8th November, 1970.
6. Member strength of the Institution is at present (Dec 2009) about 1,50,000 including 30,000 student members.