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Professional Activities

This Institute has been conducting training programmes for enhancing the communication skill, managerial, supervisory, administrative and social skill and the related technology of its members i.e. appropriate technology of Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, Power, Air Conditioning, Refrigeratio, Automobile, Electronics, Chemical, Food, Industrial Management, Wood Industry, Computer and Architecture on regular basis. To conduct the seminars, symposiums technical lecturers, workshops over the aforesaid subjects there is an Education and Training Cell, which conduct these businesses round the year.
To develop professional skill and knowledge in the practical field, IDEB organizes training programme for its members as well as for the unemployed youth of the country to solve the employment problems. Recently, joint training programmes are also being operated with B.M.D.C., PATC and other expert organizations. Besides, IDEB members are being sent to expert organizations for advanced training both inland and abroad.
The Institution publishes a monthly Journal named "KARIGAR" bearing meaning "Artisan". In this journal seminar papers, technical & other lecturers delivered, dialogues or discussion in meeting, and outcomes of conference and studies and other engineering news are mainly published. A board of Editors consisting of reputed and learned Diploma Engineers are entrusted with the publication of the journal. They select the qualitative papers for the journal. Besides, special supplement is also published, from time to time as and when necessary. Quite a good number of intellectuals of the country contribute articles regularly.
3.1.   IDEB has been conducting a regular Computer Training Course for Diploma Engineers and other unemployed youths. The duration of the course is 3months to 1year. A modern computer lab has been setup in a good accommodation provided with ACT. The computer lab equipment with 15 computers with necessary printers & broad band connection. Well experienced computer instructor have been engaged to conduct the training. 
3.2.   IDEB has also established regular training course on "Communication Skill", "Office Management" and training course of other related technology suitable for the members of the Institute and for the youth, the details of the training programme are given in the website. IDEB took initiative for higher education of the Diploma Engineer. Accordingly after several meeting & discussion with the management of the Open University the avenue for admission in BBA & MBA have been opened with necessary semester waiver. On the other hand in April 2010 govt. has setup a committee for higher education of the Diploma Engineers in which IDEB is also a member. The activity of the committee is going on.
4.1.   The Institution maintain a library with various type of books viz. Engineering, Technology, Social Science, General Science and of other disciplines. There is a fixed programme to collect a number of books every year regularly to enrich the library.
4.2.   To ensure co-operation and to solve the problems of the students, the Institution formed an Education Committee to guide the activities of the students. Students are enlightened with the aims & objects of the IDEB and are motivated to discharge their duties responsibilities towards their motherland.