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1.   General Body: All members constitute the general body of the Institute.
2.   National Council: The National Council consists of proportional representatives hereinafter called Councilors who are directly elected from each branch and act as the legislative body of the Institution as well as the electoral college. CEC is directly responsible to the National Council which frames the body laws & regulations, amends the constitution, formulates the over all policy and approves the central budget etc.
The proportion is one Councilor for each fifty members and part thereof plus 15notable diploma engineers plus member of the present CEC and immediate past President & General Secretary as ex-officio member of the National Council.
3.   The IDEB starts from the grass root i.e. the Upazila Executive Committee and the Unit Executive Committee under the District Executive Committee (DEC) in the each administrative district.
4.   The Upazila Executive Committee consists of 5-7 directly elected office bearers on the basis of the member strength of the locality. This committee, though work under the administrative control of DEC, enjoys autonomy as granted by the CEC.
5.   The District Executive Committee (DEC) consists of directly elected 11office bearers, executives and administrators and performs all the affairs of the Institution within its jurisdiction.
6.   Central Executive Committee (CEC), the highest administrative body, is composed of 25 office bearers- one President, Seven Vice-Presidents, one General Secretary and sixteen other Secretaries.
7.   Eleven more Associate Members are elected by the Councilors to help the CEC.
8.   The CEC & DEC Members hold their positions for two years term. All of them are eligible to participate in the next election.
9.   All of the office bearers of the Institution work on voluntary and honorary basis.