1. Stop idea of exporting natural gas, establish gas-based industries.
2. Stop export of brain & efficiency abroad. Expenditure for Education of Physicians, Engineers, Agriculturists and Scientists have been borne by public money, collected from the poor people of the country. So their export on job should be strictly forbidden.
3. Use surface water for irrigation. Stop lifting of underground water and save the country ecologically, environmentally and from being a desert.
4. To solve the flood problem, Water Development Board, Fisheries Development Board, Horticulture Development Board, Cotton Development Board, Forest Directorate, Agriculture Development Corporation, Agriculture Directorate and Roads & Highways Directorate be placed under single ministry.
5. Dig out the ponds, ditches, reservoirs, monsoon-lakes etc., giving priority to construction of new canals.
6. Construct sluice gates and regulators on the canals, brooks, sub-rivers and shallow streams at the outset.
7. Construct sufficient regulators prior to excavating earth for embankment on either side of the rivers.
8. Construct barrage at the down-stream of Hardinge Bridge, an alternative to Farakka Barrage and build a large reservoir.
9. To achieve self sufficiency (self-dependency) on agriculture sector construct barrage with the bridge on the river Jamuna.
10. Avoid large water works based on foreign aid. Install small water works for Dhaka City on appropriate and country based technology.
11. Convert the East-West Inter Connector to a Multipurpose Project. Prepare all future project proforma on multipurpose basis.
12. Remove the Tista Barrage 25 to 30 miles downstream. Renovate borrow-pits of Railways & Highways and use them as main canals instead of digging new canals.
13. Further deepening by dredging, convert the seasonal lakes, beels (big water logged area) including 'Chalan Beel' into large reservoirs for pisciculture and agriculture.
14. Stop promulgation of anti-people "Chartered Engineers Act" & Engineering Council and Staff College for Engineers.
Last Updated on Thursday, 23 September 2010 06:10