1. The registered head quarters of the Institution in Dhaka, the Capital City of the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh.
2. The
Institution is administered by the Central Executive Committee (CEC)
from the head quarters thorough District/ Thana/ Unit Committees.
3. 64 District Executive Committees (Centres) are in each district head quarters.
4. 460 Upazila Committees (Sub-Centres) are in each of the upozila of the country.
5. 5 Industrial units (Sub-Centres) are in large industrial belts.
6. 82
Service Associations i.e. the Departmental Association of the Diploma
Engineers employed in departments/ organizations act as reinforcement of
7. 87 Student organizations, one in each of the Polytechnic Institute act as associated organization of IDEB.
is the biggest professional association in Bangladesh. It shall remain
biggest in future because approximately 10,000 members from 46
government and more than 100 private polytechnic Institutes would
reinforce the strength of the Institute every year.